How to Get Pre Seed Funding – An Entrepreneur’s Guide

How to Get Pre Seed Funding 

If you’re a startup founder, there’s a good chance you’ll need to know how to get pre seed funding at some point. Pre seed funding is the first round of funding that a startup raises, and it’s typically used to cover expenses like salaries, marketing, and product development. So, we’ll discuss how to get  funding and how long it should last. We’ll also provide tips for making the most of your pre seed funding round!

What is pre seed funding, and why do you need it?

Pre seed funding is the money a startup company raises before launching its product or service. This type of funding is typically used to cover expenses related to business development, such as market research, product development, and initial marketing efforts.

There are a few different ways to raise funding, such as through angel investors, venture capitalists, or crowdfunding. The amount of money raised will vary depending on the method used, but it is typically smaller than what would be raised in later funding rounds.

Pre seed funding is an important step in getting a startup off the ground, as it allows the company to validate its business model and start generating revenue. However, it is important to note that this type of funding should not last indefinitely; once the business is up and running, it should be self-sustaining.

If you’re thinking about starting a business, research how to get funding and how long it should last. This will help you determine your business’s viability and how to best move forward.

how to get pre seed funding

How to get pre seed funding for your startup?

Pre-seed funding is the money raised by a startup before it has launched its product or service. This type of funding is typically used to pay for early-stage expenses such as market research, business planning, and prototyping.

So how do you go about getting funding? Here are a few tips:

First, identify your target investors. Pre-seed investors are typically angel investors, venture capitalists, or incubators. Once you’ve identified your potential investors, please do your research and develop a pitch that will appeal to them.

Next, create a strong team. Investors will want to see that you have a group of talented and dedicated individuals working on your startup.

Finally, have a clear plan for how you will use the funding. Include milestones and deadlines in your plan so that investors can see how their money will be used to help your startup grow.

Pre-seed funding can be a great way to get your startup off the ground. Following these tips can increase your chances of securing the funding you need to turn your business idea into a reality.

How long should pre seed funding last?

Pre-seed funding typically lasts for six to twelve months. During this time, startups use the funding to pay for early-stage expenses such as market research, business planning, and prototyping. After the pre-seed stage, startups typically begin to generate revenue from their product or service.

While six to twelve months of funding is typical, some startups may need more time to reach profitability. If you find that your startup requires additional funding beyond the pre-seed stage, you may want to consider seeking out venture capital funding.

Pre-seed funding is an important step in launching a successful startup. By following these tips, you can ensure that your startup has the resources it needs to get off the ground and reach its full potential.

seed funding

The benefits of pre seed funding

The benefits of pre seed funding are numerous. For one, it allows you to validate your business idea without having to put any of your own money at risk. Additionally, it can help you attract top talent and build your team before seeking more significant funding.

Things to keep in mind when seeking pre seed funding

  •  Have a clear and concise pitch deck that outlines your business model and how you plan to generate revenue
  •  Do your homework and research which investors are most likely to be interested in your business idea
  •  Be prepared to give up a significant amount of equity in your company ( typically 20-30% ) in exchange for pre seed funding


Pre seed funding typically lasts for six to twelve months, and the amount of money raised can vary widely depending on the stage of your business and how much you need to get it off the ground.

When seeking pre seed funding, it’s important to have a clear idea of what you’re looking for and how much money you need.

It’s also important to be prepared to pitch your business and answer questions about it. Finally, once you’ve secured pre seed, it’s important to use it wisely and ensure you’re on track to achieve your goals.